Posted by: Author | June 17, 2024

Tuesday Tales- June 17, 2024- Green

The writers of Tuesday Tales are writing to the word prompt green this week. I am still dragging around in this buried treasure story.

Check out the other tales here.

“It’s a conspiracy for sure. The person who buried the jewelry and box knew I would be searching for clues all these years later and decided to thwart me, right?” I laughed.

“I remember when you were a kid and used to accuse Levi of sitting up at night with his pals and conspiring against you. Finding ways to annoy you as a hobby.”

“That part was true. Levi did do that. You’ll never convince me otherwise.”

“I used to do what?” Levi asked as he came around the corner toward me and Grandad.

I stifled a gasp. He looked extra handsome this morning. The teal green polo shirt he had on matched his eyes so well that they stood out on his face more vividly than they usually did. The guy is definitely handsome. No wonder all the ladies line up to date him. But not me. Nope.

“What brings you here, young man? I haven’t seen you in a coon’s age. How is your mother doing? Haven’t seen her either. I know she kept to herself for a long while after your dad passed. Is she getting more social now? We’d like to invite her over if she is.” Granddad shoved his hat backward a bit on his head and wiped his brow with an old bandana he pulled out of his pocket. “Hot day for fall, isn’t it?”

“Yes, sir, it is. I was glad it was warm last night for my last barbecue of the season, but I’m ready for some cooler temperatures for sure.” Levi reached out his right hand. “Want me to take that metal detector so you can go inside and cool off?”

“Ah, no, lad. I’m not so doddering I can’t take a little heat. What’s your interest in metal detecting? Or do you have other interests around here?”

Now I want to fall in the hole we’re digging.  Trust Granddad not to be subtle. He was fishing to see if Levi was interested in me. It’s no secret our families always wanted us to make a match. I needed to nip this in the bud. “Maybe you do need to cool off a bit, Granddad. Go inside for some lemonade or an Arnold Palmer.”

“All you had to say was you wanted to be alone and I’d go, Heather.” Granddad winked. The old codger.

Before I could respond, Levi said, “No need to go. I’m here because I’m interested in the jewelry find. I have to confess, it’s intrigued me.”

Well that was kind of a gut punch. True, I’ve never been interested in him as a boyfriend, but that remark hurt.


  1. I can see him from the way you describe his eyes and shirt. That end admission was a gut punch for sure, but maybe he has more up his sleeve.

    • I think he might have other thoughts, too…

  2. Yeah? We’ll see how uninterested she is in Levi. And what about him? He’s always been interesting in jewelry hunting? Bosh! Sure, he’s not interested in a pretty girl who’s not chasing him around the block? Don’t believe it. Love this meet cute and where the story is going. Looks like a lot of adventure is in store for us as well as romance. Great job!!

    • Yep. You have him pegged! LOL! Thanks!

  3. Great scene. Methinks they both protest too much. Will be interesting to see who admits to the attraction first.

    • I agree. LOL! They are both in denial. Well, maybe….

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