About Jillian

Jillian Chantal is the nom de plume of a lawyer moonlighting as a writer of romantic fiction.   Most often she can be found either at her keyboard banging out words, working on a legal issue or just surfing the web and calling it research.  Her other guilty pleasure is her one-sided love affair with the actor Alan Rickman. She owns all his movies and would probably give away her cat for a chance to meet him. She’d keep her children, though. It would be a sacrifice, but she would be brave.

Jillian lives on the Florida Gulf Coast where she bemoans the humidity most of the year but she’s otherwise charming and engaging (at least in her own mind).

She has PRO status in the RWA and is an active member of the Gulf Coast Chapter of the Romance Writer’s of America


  1. Hi, “Jillian!”

    You may remember me, Shirley, friend of Darls. I had the pleasure of meeting you one afternoon @ the bookstore when I crashed one of your NANOWRIMO meetings.
    I’m brand spankin’ new to the blogosphere and you’re my first communication. Hoping to see you again in this realm!

    Happy writing,
    Shirley Graham

    • Hey Shirley. Sorry i didn’t get back to you sooner. I. In Italy this week. Maybe we can meet at BAM some Saturday.

  2. Jillian – I can’t thank you enough for the great advice you gave me at Saturday’s GCCRWA meeting. You gave me some invaluable tips and I’ve already capitalized on some of them. I officially have my own webpage now – joanchandler.wordpress.com – with a grand total of two new blog posts! ha! Well, it’s a start right?

  3. Go Joan. Yay. Glad I inspired you. I’ll check oit your blog.

  4. Hello!
    I’ve nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. Congrats!

    The Versatile Blogger Award.

  5. Hi, I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. Details are here: http://looserornot.wordpress.com/2012/03/14/the-versatile-blogger-award-yes-im-the-chosen-one/ I hope you accept the award in the spirtit that I nominate you. Have fun best wishes! 😀

  6. As there has been some confusion, I’d like my nominees to know, that the Versatile Blogger Award is given to you, if you declare to accept it by making a post on your blog!
    That post must have the rules 1-4 (you’ll find them in my post here: http://looserornot.wordpress.com/2012/03/14/the-versatile-blogger-award-yes-im-the-chosen-one/) fulfilled, that’s all.
    There is not a jury or a person picking one particular winner! The nominees themselves decide, if they want to accept the award.
    For further questions, don’t hesitate to contact me, and congrats if you choose to take the badge of honor. 😀
    P.S.: Consider this as a private message to you. There is no need to approve it.

  7. Did you know my dad was an attorney? I would have liked to have been, but not smart enough in the logic dept.!

    • That’s very cool about your dad. I think you’d have been able to do it. They teach you “how to think like a lawyer” in the first year of law school. Lol. It worked!

  8. Glad you could do it, see how logical you are ha ha! it’s too late for me now, I should have pursued it more vigorously!

    • Haha. Thanks. Yep, I am logical and I went straight to law school after graduating college at age 20. It’s never too late. We had a man in his 70s in my class and a lady in her 60s.

  9. Oh geez, that’d be me, ha ha. I would be studying so much, I wouldn’t have time for shopping! Hmm, let me logically weigh the options of each decision…

    • Hhehehe. Shopping is very important so yeah, it’s a tough call.

  10. So you see why my logic may be too flawed for law school. I did great on the Eng Comp part of the practice LSAT tho…

    • Lol. And I can totally see that you’d nail the comp part of LSAT. You write beautifully.

  11. Right back at you. And thank you! 🙂

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