Posted by: Author | June 24, 2024

Tuesday Tales- June 25, 2024- Seeds

This week, the writers of Tuesday Tales are writing to the word prompt seeds. I am still seeking buried treasure.

Check out the other tales here and comment if you have a chance. That always makes our day.

“Like I told you yesterday, I date a lot because I’m never satisfied with who I find since they aren’t the woman I truly think of as the one forever girl.”

“And who is this paragon of womanhood? Do I know her?” I was really interested as I’d never known him to date anyone long enough to have made any commitment to one woman. Of course, I’d also been out of touch with him and his family for a while.

“Why don’t we see what set that thing off instead?” Levi tilted his head toward the tool still in my hand.

Clearly he wanted to change the subject, so I let it drop. For now. “You have the digger.”

“Right.” He used the trowel for a moment and I heard a clink in just a few seconds. “Close to the surface here.” He poked his fingers in the dirt and pulled out something small and round.

Wiping the dirt off with his palm, he stared at it.

“What is it?” I looked down as he worked, impatient to see it.

“Looks like a cameo with white seeds around the edges.” He handed it up to me.

“You mean seed pearls. These are seed pearls.” I looked closer at the brooch. “It’s quite unusual, isn’t it? I’ve never seen one with a blue background. It’s very pretty.”

“They’re usually brown, aren’t they? My grandmother had a couple she wore sometimes.”

“Yeah. I’ve seen some that are white as well but never this blue color.” I peered into the hole he dug. “Anything else in there of interest?”

“Let’s excavate a bit more.” He stuck the trowel in again and there was another clanking sound. “That one sounded a bit different.” He pulled out what looked like a piece of flatware.

“What the heck?” I bent closer to see as he wiped off the dirt.

“Wow. Look at this.” Levi held it up to me. “Ever seen one of these before?”

“A spoon? Yes, of course I’ve seen a spoon.”

He pointed to the opposite end of the bowl. “It’s an apostle spoon.”

“A what?” I reached for it.

“A set of twelve spoons with one of the apostles at the end. Usually sterling silver. Not sure which chap we have here but it’s definitely part of a set of apostle spoons.”

“Who’s the one who helps find lost things? Maybe it’s him.”

“No idea. I’m Methodist as you know. We don’t do saints of lost stuff.”

“But you do know who the apostles are, right?” I grinned, not expecting a Sunday school lesson but just teasing him. 


  1. The cameo sounds unique and like her, I’d never heard of apostle spoons before. Great scene.

    • Thanks. I love the apostle spoons. Have seen them on a few of the British show, Celebrity Antiques Road-trip. A fun show I like to watch.

  2. Ooh, I wonder if she is his idea of the forever girl! What they are finding is so interesting. I was always drawn to blue cameos. LOVE the way you used the prompt.

    • Thanks Flossie! I think you hit the nail on the head. LOL. And I love blue cameos, too. I saw a beautiful one once when I was in the UK and didn’t buy it and have thought of it over and over as the years go by.

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