Posted by: Author | June 19, 2024

Wordless Wednesday


  1. A lot of government and busineses are shut down here today in Kentucky. MLK Day gets a lot of attention,or shutting down, as it were.

    • It’s now a national holiday. Federal – so no mail, no court, no banks open, etc. 

  2. That is way cool, that Pensacola provides information about this important holiday and how to celebrate it. WAY cool. 🙂

    • My local DAR chapter and the local chapter of the 100 Black Women Coalition do a joint social event every year for the holiday. On Saturday, we went on a ferry ride to the fort across the bay that served on the underground railroad and also never was conquered by the south in the Civil War and the general protected runaway slaves from being returned. It was a lovely day and we learned a lot and had good social times. They gave us these fans that were handed out in the many other events last week and today celebrating the day.

      • I love that. I also love that you got out for some fun! 🙂

      • Me, too!!

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