Posted by: Author | June 26, 2024

Wordless Wednesday


  1. That is a beautiful butterfly! I hope he’s not trapped in the screened in porch. 🙂

    • He was trapped for a long time- Hobbes wanted to eat him but Mr. Butterfly prevailed and eventually got out. I tried to shepherd him out but it didn’t work. But he finally found his way.

    • He was massive, too!

  2. We had a huge Luna moth on our garage a couple of weeks back.When I took a picture and showed it to my family, my sister and her daughter both told me it was small, because the ones at their house are much bigger. (They live where the houses are on more land and there are woods behind them.)
    Oh, no! I do not want to see any of the caterpillars of any of these. I have a real problem with them.

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